On Feb 8, 2012 2:38 AM, "Alan McKinnon" <alan.mckinnon@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, 8 Feb 2012 00:11:26 +0700
> Pandu Poluan <pandu@poluan.info> wrote:
> > On Feb 7, 2012 2:39 PM, "Eray Aslan" <eras@gentoo.org> wrote:
> > >
> > > On Tue, Feb 07, 2012 at 01:58:33PM +0700, Pandu Poluan wrote:
> > > > Soooo... I'm still on 2.8.7. Is it safe to upgrade to 2.9.0-r1 ?
> > >
> > > Yes, it should be OK as long as you run
> > > etc-update/dispatch-conf/similar after the upgrade. Postfix
> > > daemons now live under /usr/libexec/postfix (not
> > > under /usr/lib{,64)/postfix). Adjust your main.cf accordingly.
> > > I'll add a warning to the ebuild.
> > >
> >
> > Ah, thanks for the explanation!
> >
> > I'll be certain to pay undivided attention to postfix ebuild warnings.
> >
> > Rgds,
> ALWAYS pay special attention to ALL ebuild warnings. Not just the ones
> from postfix.
Always do that, actually. But Eray's explanation about postfix's new 'home' is especially important in the context of this thread and my situation (I'm using postfix as production email server in my office).
> Those warnings are there for a reason - it's how devs let you know that
> stuff has changed, that the change will make stuff break, and how to
> fix or prevent it. They are not there for decoration or fluff.
> You should set the ELOG options in make.conf to store these warnings in
> some persistent place (log files, mail them, whatever) so you can go
> through them at your leisure.
I recommend also to install an elog parser/viewer. I personally use elogv, an ncurses-based utility. There are GUI-based ones, but I'm running text-mode exclusively.
> My usual routine for doing a global update is
> emerge -avuND world
> conf-update
> emerge -av @preserved-rebuild
> revdep-rebuild -p -i (then without -p if something is found)
> emerge -a --depclean
> view portage logs and do what they say
> often followed by doing one or more steps again to ensure all is clean
Shouldn't revdep-rebuild be ran *after* emerge --depclean?