On Sep 18, 2011 9:22 AM, "Michael Mol" <mikemol@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sat, Sep 17, 2011 at 10:13 PM, Dale <rdalek1967@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Michael Mol wrote:
> [snippage]
> > Ahhhhh.  I see now.  So, it mounts proc and sys but that is in the init then
> > it mounts the real root outside the init.  Then it umounts the proc and sys
> > under the init and then switches to the real root and starts init there.
> >
> > Where does /usr and /var come in here?  Isn't the init supposed to mount
> > that too?  Do I add that myself?  If so, when to fsck get ran?
> From the look of it, yeah, it'd be your responsibility to do that in
> the "# Do your stuff here." area.
> Probably why the script has a line that says: echo "This script mounts
> rootfs and boots it up, nothing more!"

Of course, you have to remember to mount usr in /mnt/root instead of in /

That switch_root thing, you know.
