Hey all, I noticed recently that the screen rotation button on my Lenovo X201T tablet was no longer working, whereas it had been working some time ago. Long story short, there was a change around version 226 of systemd that broke this. I wanted to document how I got it working again and send it out in case it helps anyone else. This issue on Github [1] explains the problem and the patch that fixes it: [1]: https://github.com/systemd/systemd/issues/1151 Rather than unmask a newer version of systemd I decided to try applying the pull request to the current stable version in gentoo, which is systemd-226-r2. I created /etc/portage/patches/sys-apps/systemd and saved the patch from the PR (cleaned up for 226-r2 and attached) there. I then rebuilt systemd, rebooted, and - voila - the rotate button is working again. So (as root): # mkdir -p /etc/portage/patches/sys-apps/systemd # then copy the patch here # emerge --oneshot sys-apps/systemd That took a fair amount of googling around to root cause since I had no idea where to begin, but ended up being a pretty simple fix. When a newer version of systemd gets stabilized I'll probably be able to drop that patch. I do have a question though for anyone that can explain it: in the patchfile I ended up putting in /etc/portage/patches I had to delete the first slash in the filenames. So for instance lines 27-31 of the patchfile that works are this: diff --git a/Makefile.am b/Makefile.am index 8646e55..e3e07b8 100644 --- Makefile.am +++ Makefile.am But in the raw git diff they were: diff --git a/Makefile.am b/Makefile.am index 8646e55..e3e07b8 100644 --- a/Makefile.am +++ b/Makefile.am If I don't delete those prefixes then portage complains when applying the patch: ERROR: prepare Failed Patch: fix-keymap-aliases.patch ! ( /etc/portage/patches//sys-apps/systemd/fix-keymap-aliases.patch ) But existing patches in the /usr/portage/sys-apps/systemd/files directory have the a/ and b/ prefixes. So what gives? Thanks, Devrin