On Wed, May 25, 2011 at 11:18 PM, James <wireless@tampabay.rr.com> wrote:
Jeremy McSpadden <deface <at> uberpenguin.net> writes:

> Make sure your client is set to auth before sending. Simple fix.

Been down that road can had conversations with ISP admins.
That's not the issue. The same email address works, if
I cut and past it into the "To" field of thunderbird.
All other email address work just fine from thunderbird.

Yes the auth message is bogus because you dont use different SMTP servers per email message, and the auth message is only being triggered on a particular message. Other messages work fine (- did i get that right James?)

As a troubleshooting step - have you tried a new profile? IIRC the windows version has a profile manager, if the linux version doesnt have the same then just move the .thunderbird directory so it will re-create it with defaults when you launch it again.

I'm not at my linux machine now, so the details may be a bit off.