There was an answer to this question from Alan McKinnon some day ago regarding this topic:
<alan's quote>
"The few times I've seen this discussed in public it's usually been something
mundane like "package X in system won't build for hardened so we omitted that
stage till it's fixed" or "we ran out of time"

The next stage run usually has them again, so highly unlikely to be anything
to be worried about. You can still use the previous version which is about one
week older."
</alan's quote>

he posted this to gentoo-user list. From what was answered you can find packages at

Petr Černý

2011/6/6 Pandu Poluan <>
On Mon, Jun 6, 2011 at 05:55, Michael Orlitzky <> wrote:
> I asked on the hardened list and haven't heard anything for a few days.
> We might just have to wait until someone notices and fixes it.

Thanks. Pray tell us when there's nows and/or explanation :)

Pandu E Poluan
~ IT Optimizer ~
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