2011/5/5 Mick <michaelkintzios@gmail.com>
On Thursday 05 May 2011 03:00:23 Rafael Barrera Oro wrote:
> Hello!
> I just installed a Gentoo box and i am having a bizarre problem (bizarre
> for me at least), i'd like to point that the only solution i have found so
> far (attempt to modify some eclass) is way beyond the limit of complexness
> that i am used to so if there is another way i would really appreciate if
> anyone pointed it out for me
> And in case it is not obvious, i am pretty much of a rookie regardind
> gentoo and linux in general
> anyway, thanks in advance!!!
> The thing is that emerging mirrorselect has the following outcome:
> * QA Notice: libdialog.la appears to contain PORTAGE_TMPDIR paths
>  * ERROR: dev-util/dialog-1.1.20100428 failed:
>  *   soiled libtool library files found

Hmm ... I don't know why this is caused, but I would run:

 emerge --oneshot -av libtool

and then

 revdep-rebuild -v -- --ask

libtool is already installed, was your approach to re emerge it?