On Mon, May 16, 2011 at 12:29 AM, Indi <thebeelzebubtrigger@gmail.com> wrote:
Anyone here have leafnode running successfully?
I seem to be stuck, and for some reason google appears to be stuck as
well on this one. Apparently users who want leafnode are about as rare
as hen's teeth...
11/5/15@10:24:49: ERROR: 3486 {activate_normal} bind failed (Permission denied (errno = 13)). service = nntp
11/5/15@10:24:49: ERROR: 3486 {cnf_start_services} Service nntp failed to start and is deactivated.
11/5/15@10:24:49: DEBUG: 3486 {cnf_start_services} mask_max = 0, services_started = 0
11/5/15@10:24:49: CRITICAL: 3486 {init_services} no services. Exiting...

Have you checked there's nothing listening on the port already with netstat? Are you starting as root?

As a dumb test you could just try "nc -l -p 119" if you have netcat, or just "/usr/sbin/sshd -p 119" to see if they can open the port. AFAIK SELinux will need a config tweak to allow the port open if you're using that.