Works without a flaw. x86 here.


2011/5/10 Manuel McLure <>
On Tue, May 10, 2011 at 2:55 PM, Dale <> wrote:
> I was curious, what's the results of the openrc update for people that have
> done theirs?  Is it pretty simple and "just works" or are there issues?  I'm
> mostly interested in x86 and amd64 since that is what I have.  Just a simple
> works here and I'm X86 or amd64 would be nice.  List issues if you had any.

On my dedicated MythTV box, the major problem I had was that neither
net.eth0 nor net.eth1 started up once I deleted /etc/conf.d/rc and
went to /etc/rc.conf. This is possibly due to the hotplug settings
which IMHO weren't clear in /etc/rc.conf. Fixed by simply adding
net.eth0 and net.eth1 to the default runlevel and everything is fine

I think that a guide specifying exactly how to migrate from
/etc/conf.d/rc to rc.conf, setting by setting, would be good. "Please
read through /etc/rc.conf and /etc/conf.d/rc and migrate the settings"
doesn't cut it when the syntax and semantics of some settings are so
different. Also, I'm accustomed to having configuration files show the
default value commented out, but for example in this case the
commented out value was


which was the exact opposite of the default which is "!*".
Manuel A. McLure WW1FA <> <>
...for in Ulthar, according to an ancient and significant law,
no man may kill a cat.                       -- H.P. Lovecraft