Hi Alan, just quick and dirty, I am too tired for formalities. :) The following list contains packages, that may be too big for tmpfs and are most probably very time consuming to compile:     $ < /etc/portage/package.env/no_tmpfs.conf     # custom - 20181121 - rfischer: list packages, which are too big for tmpfs     #app-editors/neovim no_tmpfs.conf     #app-emulation/qemu-kv no_tmpfs.conf     #app-office/libreoffice no_tmpfs.conf     #dev-db/mysql no_tmpfs.conf     #dev-java/icedtea no_tmpfs.conf     #dev-lang/ghc no_tmpfs.conf     #dev-lang/ghc no_tmpfs.conf     #dev-lang/mono no_tmpfs.conf     #dev-lang/rust no_tmpfs.conf     #dev-lang/spidermonkey no_tmpfs.conf     #dev-libs/libpcre no_tmpfs.conf     #dev-qt/qtwebengine no_tmpfs.conf #throttle_make_emerge.conf     #mail-client/thunderbird no_tmpfs.conf     #media-libs/opencv no_tmpfs.conf     #media-libs/opencv no_tmpfs.conf     #net-libs/nodejs no_tmpfs.conf     #net-misc/openssh no_tmpfs.conf     #sci-libs/tensorflow no_tmpfs.conf     #sys-apps/iproute2 no_tmpfs.conf     #sys-devel/clang no_tmpfs.conf     #sys-devel/gcc no_tmpfs.conf     #www-client/chromium no_tmpfs.conf #throttle_make_emerge.conf     #www-client/firefox no_tmpfs.conf     #www-client/ungoogled-chromium no_tmpfs.conf #throttle_make_emerge.conf See also: * https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Portage_TMPDIR_on_tmpfs#Considering_tmpfs.27_size * https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Q_applets#Extracting_information_from_emerge_logs_.28qlop.29 Sleeps away. -Ramon On 11/09/2023 21:19, Alan McKinnon wrote: > After my long time away from Gentoo, I thought perhaps some packages > that always took ages to compile would have improved. I needed to > change to ~amd64 anyway (dumb n00b mistake leaving it at amd64). So > that's what I did and let emerge do it's thing. > > chromium has been building since 10:14, it's now 21:16 and still going > so 9 hours at least on this machine to build a browser - almost as bad > as openoffice at it's worst (regularly took 12 hours). Nodejs also > took a while, but I didn't record time. > > > What other packages have huge build times? > > -- > Alan McKinnon > alan dot mckinnon at gmail dot com -- GPG public key: 5983 98DA 5F4D A464 38FD CF87 155B E264 13E6 99BF