Terminator is a nice app that allows you to have multiple terminals in a single window, paned, tabbed, searchable, grouped to receive a single input, etc etc. It also advertizes that it allows you to show/hide window with a global shortcut key, essentially making it a quake-style terminal replacement++. I've been using it for quite a while but I haven't actually gotten the shortcut key to work. Even without the shortcut key, it's all kinds of awesome, though. Terminator claims it depends on python-keybinder for the show/hide function to work, but even after installing dev-libs/keybinder +python, pressing the show/hide window shortcut doesnt seem to do anything. Well, today's not a bad day to try something new: does anyone use terminator, and if so, has anyone ever gotten the show/hide shortcut key to work? -- This email is: [ ] actionable [ ] fyi [x] social Response needed: [ ] yes [x] up to you [ ] no Time-sensitive: [ ] immediate [ ] soon [x] none