Hi all!
Thanks to your beautiful support, I solved my issue!
Again, as usual, I've to send my compliments to this mailing list: every time I've a problem here there is someone that tries to help me (and usually solves my problems)!
Moreover, simply reading the ML I always learn new commands that reduces my needs to bother you here!

Thank you all! You are just great!
(can't say the same of other distribution's mailing lists.... )


On Tue, Aug 17, 2010 at 12:21 PM, Jake Moe <jakesaddress@gmail.com> wrote:
 On 08/16/10 19:47, Massimiliano Ziccardi wrote:
>> Some new people think it knows where things come from even if it is not
>> installed.  It can't do that so I posted that in case the person didn't
>> know.
> Well, I'm not very expert about gentoo... I though it would query some kind
> of database to ask what package contains a certain file....
> Now I know it works differently...
> It would be neat if it could do that tho.  Just have no idea how it could.
>>  ;-)
> I think querying an online database could be a nice solution.
> Thanks!
> On Mon, Aug 16, 2010 at 11:38 AM, Dale <rdalek1967@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Peter Humphrey wrote:
>>> On Monday 16 August 2010 09:13:29 Dale wrote:
>>>> Massimiliano Ziccardi wrote:
>>>>> # equery belongs /usr/lib/libxfce4util.la<http://libxfce4util.la>
>>>>> [ Searching for file(s) /usr/lib/libxfce4util.la
>>>>> <http://libxfce4util.la>  in *... ]
>>>>> #
>>>>> "
>>>> Equery doesn't give any results because it is not installed.
>>> If it weren't installed it wouldn't be able to announce what it was
>>> searching for and where   :-)
>> Some new people think it knows where things come from even if it is not
>> installed.  It can't do that so I posted that in case the person didn't
>> know.  Then I posted a way to find out even if a package is not installed.
>>  I didn't know about that website until someone pointed it out to me many
>> ages ago.
>> It would be neat if it could do that tho.  Just have no idea how it could.
>>  ;-)
>> Dale
>> :-)  :-)
Yeah, sorry, I only included that "equery belongs" bit last time to show
that it was installed on my system, and that the libxfce4util package
installed it.  I didn't mean to say you should look for it there; it's
not going to find it, as has been pointed out before.  My only point was
that emerging libxfce4util *should* have installed that file; since it
didn't, I would assume you need to look at that emerge process to find
out why; either it's not building it for some reason, or not installing
it after it's been built.

Jake Moe