You definitely can. The usual gentoo install is based on the support of another system, being that gentoo or debian makes no difference as long as you can chroot at some point. But i think you might have some problems if you want to install a 32bit gentoo from a 64bit system. If that's not your case you should be safe... Il giorno 15/set/2010 13:26, "" ha scritto: Hi guys, I want to try install gentoo, but there no blanks or usb, but there i got a debian(amd64). Can i use this to install gentoo without a doubt? greetings -- Sourcegarden GmbH HR: B-104357 Steuernummer: 37/167/21214 USt-ID: DE814784953 Geschaeftsfuehrer: Mario Scheliga, Rene Otto Bank: Deutsche Bank, BLZ: 10070024, KTO: 0810929 Schoenhauser Allee 55, 10437 Berlin