They're readable even on my droid x. On Sep 30, 2010 1:15 PM, "Grant Edwards" wrote: > I've noticed recently that the Gentoo handbook web pages are > ridiculously wide. (It seems to me that they didn't used to be, but I > wouldn't swear to that). > > For example, look at this page: > > > > The normal text paragraphs have lines that average over 160 characters > per line. The generally accepted guideline for line length in order to > maintain good readability is 40-80. The above page's lines are 2-4 > times as long as recommended for good readability, and they are in > fact so long that I can't make my browser wide enough to see an entire > line. > > Line lengths that long make the pages hard to read even if you _can_ > make your browser wide enough to show an entire line. > > The regular handbook is a little better: > > > > That has lines that average about 140 characters. That's still much > longer than what I'd consider good practice. > > Do the extremely long lines in the handbook web pages bother anybody > else? > > I can understand that things like example code blocks or sample > command input/output blocks might need to be wide enough to require > horizontal scrolling of a browser window, but normal text paragraphs > with 160 characters per line? > > -- > Grant Edwards grant.b.edwards Yow! Is this going to > at involve RAW human ecstasy? > > >