Hello, I've just sync'd my machine, and realized I'm pulling in a few packages from the devnull overlay that I would rather not. freetype / fontconfig / cairo for example and it's causing some conflicts when I try to update (-auvND world). I mainly use devnull for uzbl, dmenu, and my window manger awesome, as they tend to have the latest versions. If I remove devnull, will these packages continue being maintained by portage? I don't mind getting these packages from portage if it means less hassle when I update, but the docs suggest that I remove every package that I've installed from devnull before moving forward. This seems like a tremendous hassle, but perhaps there's a one-shot command for doing this? I'm surprised packages in overlays take precedence over portage. Is there any way to get a single package from an overlay without taking "everything" ? Kind regards, -Alan