You will need to set up pollution aka policykit. I use udisks to get automounting taken care of instead of Hal. See an earlier thread for details. I am working on a full policykit setup to document with examples for reboot and shutdown in lxde.
James wall
On Mar 8, 2011 1:05 AM, "Bill Kenworthy" <> wrote:
> Typing "id" on a terminal on my gnome desktop gives the following - but
> when I insert a dvd I get "not authorised to mount ..." in a popup.
> What more do I need to do?
> BillK
> uid=1000(wdk) gid=100(users)
> groups=100(users),6(disk),10(wheel),18(audio),19(cdrom),80(cdrw),85(usb),411(plugdev),413(wdk),446(vmware),1000(vboxusers),1005(davfs2)