On Fri, Jul 30, 2010 at 6:43 AM, Bill Longman
<bill.longman@gmail.com> wrote:
On 07/29/2010 08:58 PM, Walter Dnes wrote:
> 2) If you really really need the X-integration features, you can use the
> "xhost" command to enable all users on your machine to run X apps on
> your X session. E.g. my machine is so I ran...
> xhost +
> ...to allow a 32-bit QEMU-KVM guest to run an X program on the 64-bit
> host's Xwindows session.
What you probably want here instead is:
xhost +local:
then the X app is not limited to using only IP but can choose whichever
transport it deems best. Of course the usual safety caveats apply. If
others are on your host, they'll have X access. If you're concerned
about that, then just give root permission:
xhost SI:localuser:root
Thanks -- that was what I was trying to remember, so I just emerged it.