> > The problem is, it runs forever, and does not want to stop: > Standard practice for any daemon that doesnt want to stop via the init script, most graceful to most forceful; 1. Try the daemons native shutdown command (some have an option to shutdown only after any connected clients are serviced, eg apache) 2. Issue the process the TERM signal via kill or pkill as root (TERM is the default signal) to shut down the process gracefully. So say "pkill named" but make sure there are no other processes with "named" anywhere in their name or they'll be killed too. 3. Issue the process the KILL signal via kill or pkill as root, by adding the -9 argument, so "pkill -9 named" You may need to /etc/init.d/named zap to clear the state if /etc/init.d/named start reports that the process is already running.