On 16 August 2010 11:36, Marco <listworks@gmail.com> wrote:
On Mon, Aug 16, 2010 at 1:11 AM, Nganon <nganon+gentoo@gmail.com> wrote:
> [...]
> Here is what I wanna do. I want to have only one big backup for, say,
> userA-2010.08.07.tgz and other small backup tars containing only the
> files/folders that were modified since last update, 2010.08.07, as
> userA-diff-2010.08.14.tgz, userA-diff-2010.08.21.tgz,
>  userA-diff-2010.08.28.tgz
> etc. Now if I want to take the userA back to the future, 2010.08.21,  I want
> to
> do it by first extracting the huge tar userA-2010.08.07.tgz and then the
> tiny
> backup userA-diff-2010-08-21.tgz.

backup2l can do exactly what you want:


Nice one indeed. Exactly does what I want. It is also good that the backups 
can be use without the program itself.

It does not seem to be updated since 2009 but I will give it a try. 
