On Mon, Aug 23, 2010 at 10:40 PM, <d.fedorov@timeweb.ru> wrote:

1) Did you made entries for right resolution mode in xorg.conf

I modified xorg.conf just to change the idenity info about the monitor.  Not seeing any effect, I
deleted xorg.conf entirely, and that's how I'm runnung now, and got the Xorg.0.log I attached
to a previous post.
2) Are u sure that 1920x1080 is supported resolution for your monitor?
The 1920 part is for sure.  I've got 3-1/4" left and right unused margins of perfectly usable LCD.
3) BIOS of some graphic cards is trying to overide the data reported by
the monitor in its own way
The logs show Xorg seriously considering 1920x1080.  I don't know what to do about it's complaint about the modeline.  My fear is that the 2002 vintage MACH64 motherboard video isn't capable of the speeds required, but I'm not sure how to run that experiment.

Kevin O'Gorman, PhD