> Since you are the one sending RESETs instead of ACKs, I'd use hping (hping > -S -p 80 and check if the box also sends RESETs instead of > ACKs using CLI, or with bash+nc : > ( echo "GET / HTTP/1.0" ; echo ; echo "host:www.google.com" ; echo ) | nc > 80 > If you can actually read google sources using that, your browser is to > blame, or a plugin ? > I agree with Florian - the problem is clearly your end. You should be sending ACK after the SYN/ACK from google, not an RST. I would have through that the OS would perform the TCP setup tho, not the browser itself. Checking with different software is worthwhile to verify whether that is true or not. You could also try 'lynx www.google.com' instead of the echo/nc thing. Also if you want us to look at the capture, send it in pcap (binary) format so we can see all the detail.