ok lets take this from the top. I went thru the same thing and it drove me crazy. I guess we should start with your .config I can compare it to mine if you want. alsowhat kernel are you using?

On Wed, Mar 9, 2011 at 11:18 AM, Matt Harrison <iwasinnamuknow@genestate.com> wrote:
On 09/03/2011 15:25, Vizo Allman wrote:
This is what I have to get hdmi audio out on my zotac ion board
in the .asoundrc of the acoount I am playing audio from I put

pcm.!default {
type plug
slave.pcm "hdmi"

without that I get no sound from hdmi

Hi Vizo,

Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately I have tried that one and I still don't get any sound :( I have tried many things in my asound.conf and I'm still not there yet.

Just out of interest, Mythbuntu LiveCD, exactly the same as gentoo, looks good but silent. However I've also tried an XBMC livecd and the HDMI audio works with 30 seconds of config.

So the hardware is ok, but there is something critial I am missing. I've asked on the mythtv-users list too but no replies yet.


"Nor aught availed him now
To have build in Heaven high towers    Nor did he scape
By all his engines
But was headlong sent with his industrious crew
To build in Hell
"Milton, "Paradise Lost"