From mboxrd@z Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970 Return-Path: Received: from ( []) (using TLSv1.3 with cipher TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 (256/256 bits) key-exchange X25519 server-signature RSA-PSS (2048 bits)) (No client certificate requested) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id BEC9B1581C1 for ; Wed, 3 Jul 2024 15:39:31 +0000 (UTC) Received: from (localhost []) by (Postfix) with SMTP id 34E0CE2A89; Wed, 3 Jul 2024 15:39:26 +0000 (UTC) Received: from ( [IPv6:2607:f8b0:4864:20::330]) (using TLSv1.3 with cipher TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 (256/256 bits) key-exchange X25519 server-signature RSA-PSS (4096 bits) server-digest SHA256) (No client certificate requested) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id C6CEBE2A7C for ; Wed, 3 Jul 2024 15:39:25 +0000 (UTC) Received: by with SMTP id 46e09a7af769-701f397e8ffso3100390a34.0 for ; Wed, 03 Jul 2024 08:39:25 -0700 (PDT) DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20230601; t=1720021165; x=1720625965;; h=in-reply-to:mime-version:user-agent:date:message-id:autocrypt:from :references:to:subject:from:to:cc:subject:date:message-id:reply-to; bh=v8HF2Kdgh3eDYqRIAvIlar6a8YDXp5a1mQzCAseUyZ0=; b=HkJq0BmRGc5eFRsufmBfnW1u9/JK3HqzDRCTB/Kf+iu7E2Ae0/fvB7bomCdkpnm8wn Gm0A/7/Gr1VXXWBtq6qlt7fbNiLjzq/oQ0Pn60h6kxmy85EVUXsQM72vQRNLiWSgN2vA tKu+llp4vcqAykQe9h0815UJ4ionQ2cP5W3pqDd5xbHf5n+FPxALd9FHhU+6mKxnS28I eXn9yEfGAmOntH9ITiN1hAjKtVhA8EfyYaQvQYQVjQjJN6a2A0DXmb/N56jzg1zG/i5h TWjurfu8R0UZ2cSwmiCUhdfuDplds5lijLzK649zA8ArXOT21TUIniZ3Jg+oHetD9pzS W5vA== X-Google-DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20230601; t=1720021165; x=1720625965; h=in-reply-to:mime-version:user-agent:date:message-id:autocrypt:from :references:to:subject:x-gm-message-state:from:to:cc:subject:date :message-id:reply-to; bh=v8HF2Kdgh3eDYqRIAvIlar6a8YDXp5a1mQzCAseUyZ0=; b=eKaELTEnCPi1pcgX1Uw4W2UUkir+zKInCIVjH/9fzOqQul7ULHG31zXNgQVTWJaKBJ b/aVWbZnAc5J9mZuKv7Dzw8Aj7FmraLHUkdOV4sWexKI4E2zCZV6eo+ELjrQViQQrcuv +EaTSbBNY7zpCKxOzr2QOlhvmRPpT9/dh6ChTI9TTycU0U4In9muz6THlLtDu6nwdIrQ SIv929I/AJcnsGzxcOCUX0fdNS31AvQfJUfyOaZKYYGK9ZcI6RAygPZSvj3GOmAbRRvI ElYsBuOJUC2eR2lXc+VEsYyKai6PKd3BKvIGDlk5OmQcWRV2P/BPEW1m+rOAfdFjYk14 P8SQ== X-Gm-Message-State: AOJu0YxZatNezNi9FGD1mPMmmukpFZCLYSxAK9vb61OaxharrPKIJVDY 0p2EjkQTh5GvR9hfkWlWEV2ksrn4Bcy71rzU3MPtqASy5OnJRTzNXSm0Nw== X-Google-Smtp-Source: AGHT+IHjOlf0l9mF+vuzzQQaVN6NLgUpw/wwVd6JBe24o/l2SEX+gtZ2gE60841RtT1KDKsgsqzSJA== X-Received: by 2002:a9d:65d0:0:b0:701:f4ba:b0aa with SMTP id 46e09a7af769-702075f2a52mr12974488a34.4.1720021164730; Wed, 03 Jul 2024 08:39:24 -0700 (PDT) Received: from [] ([]) by with ESMTPSA id 46e09a7af769-701f7b20c8esm1997193a34.50.2024. (version=TLS1_3 cipher=TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 bits=128/128); Wed, 03 Jul 2024 08:39:24 -0700 (PDT) Subject: Re: [gentoo-user] Re: KDE6 and Pipewire control change To: References: From: Dale Autocrypt:; prefer-encrypt=mutual; keydata= mQINBGFSciYBEADcEGMyJBSuavKO/XKUVvgkxck7Nl8Iuu8N2lcnRji/rSKg5c1Acix1ll9i oW8JBCHwvn0+Xy60BvEsqcup3YSHw5STl/bR1ePEehtnYrg8FdjdS91+B805RfnKMm69rFVI wLSBHQrSG1yxHd8CloWoEdhmVtP24buajbh114bgXd9ahtpZrCVMrWdWYUg2mEXguGV5uNAh Rf8SWxDNc79w24JxsV34a8niMUYMjzWr0rafIbzk732X38vGjVMLo/2mMpkbp9mPp++LHoY+ 0Pet8zxxdXPJSCd475kza1AD+hhSyBZXB9yknYWgyY3cZe1rGmooJSi2KX4QxO7npwLThcO1 be6KKRkd35+Fi/a1BzVOHsZMiK/gcwxEFoMd27gir4ehaeHJfFXl+65w4hj0EsOZSxrJrm2C R50g5By2czSKP1bADEygFNpIJj51AR+wM88NImG2RPtlT2maYBzazvF05g65cdHXGp1C7W5P wwwKU2DgABB2t7N7z5A69LnryBRw4zUYDRRYLTYlBlYgg+xILm2c0OrBdxJgLJa7JE50Eo25 d3PFwt9J0gYvqy6sPFLl9So0sDg9zm0hKQtXOP5kgropUFGrNoJI+mjwF4rYLRBVzZwNAvlO OhEvHubBo3mEllv4x+FeptwXZxlk7gUsdqI8AxnFB8K9wi6FVQARAQABtBtEYWxlIDxyZGFs ZWsxOTY3QGdtYWlsLmNvbT6JAk4EEwEIADgCGyMFCwkIBwIGFQoJCAsCBBYCAwECHgECF4AW IQQSG1h01ruv/WNXc3Q3RqOgiQH1GwUCYVJy8gAKCRA3RqOgiQH1G+waEACeTZCt77jnRAmQ AV7otKuZekDWiLi3Eig8tj5ZJiCNSYA/hIxzmexRP0GMqjitcXK1iGwWcvMzzvIq30GAjIfB 4BR38cnXbtBa6fNewiT7QaZe/Hn6yBRldXNQypzbHy+/o27bUEy+oX4rE7etUgEHQAjuw7xz XFWg4tH1/KJvsOVY5upnWc5LdxYhsuQ3dQD4b22GsK0pOBDfb9PiirYM8eGKvrVuq4E/c75z lDDFhINl18lNZ9D0ZFL3IkTjHsAAqFH9uhnnEB8CWdHbBewPEfRaOhBUYWZ3Q8uTkmDgZT8q D9jlvLEdw7Nh2ApdxoepnI/4D+ql2Gr4DtH7SEPydr5gcf1Qr/2bXRb1hAYnIVcbncs/Bm3Z bkRKPVWMfE3Fusa+p5hMzixk0YysMaTHlc7mYRYAEZGnPMXnmcCbetwARU7A0yz1M1kCMOAQ Lsz8KH5kv3cRenMB6SFfjND2JfAK61H5TtnPq3L8noS2ZykRYxq9Nm3X64O1tJojIKBoZFr8 AwYNCvqC6puUyGMuzHPh7jPof8glfrrEKIYUvNPGMDoVX3IGetxh/9l6NcxgFA4JGoR+LS3C zmeNrwlllAe3OEUfKoWVQ+pagpSdM+8hHolaSda4Ys66Z3fCR4ZvcTqfhTAVskpqdXa4isAk 7vTcXu3L499ttywEp7rJTbkCDQRhUnImARAAncUdVhmtRr59zqpTUppKroQYlzR0jv8oa7DG K4gakTAT2N7evnI9wpssmzyVk8VEiLzhnFQ/Ol3FRt6hZCXDJt0clyHOyTfvz/MNFttWuZTc mLpSvmRR6VRjAH+Tz3Eam2xUw3PGuH97BcXQ3NnX3msv1UDxtxxBu6e2YrdeOhrCUSgzokcJ 98ChUNy934cgepPybAI12lSWqVFQ1aG7jExZfiUk+333fPSDbpKoZbTW5YJLXbycmW/C1IWL qYQyNjRWKaGoJtUWFhhmNiOQct7n90aKivNVPavmN+UQ9LlMaINtf9T6XCzLfogCFsulDCDJ 0yNQLDTurHaB4E71xoctgXmLLq9z1RQ0W2XiVAAOZQj6K3+d0AOUjDhCQ2QW8dUSq0ckkZXV DKVJOGS8Nhf2eIWIqRnP3AcUiiaiFGqUaVUmUAZ6h/oJmgghEu/1S+pcuUKU5i69+XCZ3hH2 Jzwzbf7K+FAIkOhCfHncF8i1N1pk00pOVykNnqHTfFo3qFusHt0ZWgXVnnn4pYdXqZNoDhvF BRE5Vm4k/k96Pw8HRx6Os6eFSRrlqGzRgqsu86FekxusXB9UGv4lJhtU/J+8MRWsh22K718s DbQnABicGKFz1qQlWvcf59oTByhLINJCBt1WXl+TzJDXepr3QSkqmK41dO9Hob97C9dMiK8A EQEAAYkCNgQYAQgAIAIbDBYhBBIbWHTWu6/9Y1dzdDdGo6CJAfUbBQJhUnLyAAoJEDdGo6CJ AfUbVHIQAKSWw620vPhR3A/njU2z77F3z/Jk+HTKdE3fIyWSWdkYN7CBFL0NguOMP30WZ+qE sJhZu7T5hf251MwQUUt27xlfnKYOmQs7CqONlXuXlGZI6WufrUjxNcVz+5gJsqvUWuuJWsgg sDmE92IBnfG/f81fPHWQyfr/SF4wYDMyoFp5xCCQpp1zB63iuFvvrhxBkEHzmbRtVDOhl0Xp BVEDR1w3QRACw9QJD/KM05Czv9JNQYlwinWO/OaQ9cMlUpKLgswUPg9IZ5vucxScfuAUA5uC B1jlAQ8ZPlVukBmbEv5RGOv+lpuEbA3YDMVtEeH4YMFbjt/+vH3Cr2vTbp5JlpByLburJEH0 WXZLUawEfUsZvVwpOuJK75vaa2HYXee+Cb3iCIzwfIfctdlqzUcbGRczlRNM59hpvj4z29Gh 3kAxVHItAYq54ikxQ9l4hQ8s9sLYPbX/WtcBxNX8crBSw0FLnmzGleVEtBHyqtt5CLzQNgrj GYWl1vKDUmRPw1CdZ1c+fMN9CY11jOM5B5ZnqZWfDeVYO2iJ5SuvTycChexCb8WYn1bdCBIo bBtga2RBXbVt4Mh9E4owsszefn51MwfjXxB20Fc5k3GU1AVpTCMs3ayYCzo0b2pvEvdjtDcA CYLEFPWgaFX9iQAM/CDfKvTtvgGWpqtCL2raq/mQoJEU Message-ID: <> Date: Wed, 3 Jul 2024 10:39:22 -0500 User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:91.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/91.0 SeaMonkey/ Precedence: bulk List-Post: List-Help: List-Unsubscribe: List-Subscribe: List-Id: Gentoo Linux mail X-BeenThere: Reply-to: X-Auto-Response-Suppress: DR, RN, NRN, OOF, AutoReply MIME-Version: 1.0 In-Reply-To: Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="------------3798630402DA6B1601576644" X-Archives-Salt: 51d308b4-fc4c-425b-814e-6566c648442a X-Archives-Hash: 54ac77379d9245db0a07e238db4cb659 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --------------3798630402DA6B1601576644 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Mark Knecht wrote: > > > On Wed, Jul 3, 2024 at 6:33 AM Dale > wrote: > > > Actually, it does.  Thing is, it doesn't show the HDMI as a option in > > the list.  I bet the reason it doesn't show up under applications like > > it did before is because it only sees the main speakers as a option.  No > > need showing options when there is none.  So, I need to figure out how > > to make it see HDMI as a option as well as main speakers.  Then maybe it > > will show up under applications again.  I'd be back in business then. > > > > Something to work on when I get back from town.  Today is shot day. > > :/   And grocery shopping.  Gotta eat. > > Audio over HDMI is not a requirement of the HDMI spec, it's an > option. > > You might want to look at the specs for your card to see if NVidia  > included it in the chipset. Graphics adapters intended for use in > Bloomberg Stations might not include it. > > Typically > > lspci | grep Audio > > should tell you something. > > Good luck, > Mark Well, until the recent KDE upgrade, it worked.  I just had a easy way to do it.  So I know the hardware is capable of it.  I just need to figure out the software issue.  Since it doesn't see it now, I need to figure out why it isn't being seen and fix it.  I may just need to configure something.  Having it done in pipewire tho sure was handy.  I hope that feature isn't gone for some reason.  As it is, I have to manually tell Smplayer to send the audio to the HDMI port in Preferences.  It works but I have to disable that to have sound on my main speakers.  Thing is, on rare occasion I want to play a video on the TV with mpv.  Doing it with pipewire made even it easy to switch.  I just click on it, select for it to go to HDMI, done.  The next time I play something with mpv, it goes back to the default.  Really nifty.  Given the recent upgrade, I may just try logging out and back in.  Maybe it just didn't pick it up last time.  It's not likely but possible.  One can hope.  :-D Neighbor is sick.  Gotta go mow about 4 acres of grass.  Poor thing.  He has issues.  :/  It's already 90F.  Dale :-)  :-)  --------------3798630402DA6B1601576644 Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Mark Knecht wrote:

On Wed, Jul 3, 2024 at 6:33 AM Dale <> wrote:
> Actually, it does.  Thing is, it doesn't show the HDMI as a option in
> the list.  I bet the reason it doesn't show up under applications like
> it did before is because it only sees the main speakers as a option.  No
> need showing options when there is none.  So, I need to figure out how
> to make it see HDMI as a option as well as main speakers.  Then maybe it
> will show up under applications again.  I'd be back in business then.
> Something to work on when I get back from town.  Today is shot day.
> :/   And grocery shopping.  Gotta eat.

Audio over HDMI is not a requirement of the HDMI spec, it's an

You might want to look at the specs for your card to see if NVidia 
included it in the chipset. Graphics adapters intended for use in
Bloomberg Stations might not include it.


lspci | grep Audio

should tell you something.

Good luck,

Well, until the recent KDE upgrade, it worked.  I just had a easy way to do it.  So I know the hardware is capable of it.  I just need to figure out the software issue.  Since it doesn't see it now, I need to figure out why it isn't being seen and fix it.  I may just need to configure something.  Having it done in pipewire tho sure was handy.  I hope that feature isn't gone for some reason.  As it is, I have to manually tell Smplayer to send the audio to the HDMI port in Preferences.  It works but I have to disable that to have sound on my main speakers.  Thing is, on rare occasion I want to play a video on the TV with mpv.  Doing it with pipewire made even it easy to switch.  I just click on it, select for it to go to HDMI, done.  The next time I play something with mpv, it goes back to the default.  Really nifty. 

Given the recent upgrade, I may just try logging out and back in.  Maybe it just didn't pick it up last time.  It's not likely but possible.  One can hope.  :-D

Neighbor is sick.  Gotta go mow about 4 acres of grass.  Poor thing.  He has issues.  :/  It's already 90F. 


:-)  :-) 