On 1/8/08, Bo Ørsted Andresen <bo.andresen@zlin.dk> wrote:
On Tuesday 08 January 2008 23:30:51 Kevin O'Gorman wrote:
> > > However, it is true that emerge sync and eix-update were in two
> > > separate jobs scheduled an hour apart. It is vaguely conceivable
> > > that they got out of step somehow. I've unified them, and hope
> > > things go better now.
> > Any particular reason you run two separate jobs and not just eix-sync
> > (which does both in sequence)?
> Originally, because the output was hard to read I think.  And I figured
> that starting them an hour apart would ensure sequence anyway.

Surely you ran update-eix and possibly diff-eix rather than eix-sync then?
Running eix-sync and emerge --sync would mean syncing twice a day (for no
good reason)...

Bo Andresen

Indeed.  I run update-eix, but I don't do it every day.   The entire package runs three times per week, and I use the emails from it to decide whether or when to emerge world.  I keep pretty current, but don't see the point in daily updates.

++ kevin

Kevin O'Gorman, PhD