Howdy, I'm not sure what causes this because it doesn't always do this.  When I use youtube-dl to download videos, it sometimes uses the current date and time for the time stamp.  I like that because I can sort by date and see new videos.  On some sites tho it seems to use the time stamp of the file on the server I am downloading from not when it was put on my system.  Sometimes I download a video and it may have a time stamp of years ago, decades sometimes.  I looked through the help page but can't find a option to tell it to use local time instead of the time from the remote server file.  Needless to say, when it does this, I can't tell which videos I recently downloaded since sorting by time stamps is no longer accurate. It's annoying. Has anyone else noticed this behavior? Is there a way to tell it to stop setting it to really old time stamps?  Some option that isn't documented maybe. Thanks. Dale :-)  :-)  P. S. Doing pretty well with my encrypted drives and stuff.  Remembering the passwords can be difficult at times tho.