On 9/17/06, Kevin O'Gorman <kogorman@gmail.com> wrote:
I just switched to modular X, and got to the point where the system
comes up okay.
I have a few remaining puzzles and problems. Here's one:
When I do emerge -aDvu world, it wants to emerge
[ebuild N ] virtual/x11- 7.0-r2 USE="dri" 0 kB
The migration guide says this can happen when there's an outdated package.
But equery says there are well over 100 such packages that depend on
virtual/x11. And they're all up to date. I've been running stable so far, with
very few exceptions. Am I really to go unstable with all of these? This seems
extreme in view of the fact that a great many of them are KDE things, but
KDE seems to be working just fine.
What's a guy to do? Can I get away with just waiting for a while?