One problem, only one place to put the drive. It's a shitty eMachines case.

I'm building a new comp over the summer, but I'm gonna add the 300 to this comp, and just re-do everything once I get a new mobo and case.

I'm planning on quad-booting. Or even more.

40 GB's of Windows XP (I am a gamer. Some games I just cannot get to work under Linux)
60 GB's of SuSE (I have an old pro version.)
80 GB's of Gentoo 2006.0 (yay!)
20 GB's of Shared Files (Music, and whatever needs to be shared)
then the rest will be unpartitioned, mainly for trying out some BSD's and other distro's. to be partitioned as appropriate.

That's my game plan so far. It's subject to change easily.

Again, I've had trouble locating a PSU that will fit in the case. This is worse then getting a Dell.

For my next comp, I'm obviously building my own (I got this for free in 2001). In a very, very large tower case. I'll probably then stick this current 40GB HD in here and use the comp as a household server running BSD/Linux and hosting LAN game servers and GNUMP3d, and whatever I see fit.

On 22/05/06, Hemmann, Volker Armin <> wrote:
On Tuesday 23 May 2006 00:38, Peter wrote:
> On Mon, 22 May 2006 17:18:04 -0400, Samuel Baldwin wrote:
> > I'm planning on buying a 300GB HD from maxtor for my next primary HD.
> > It's a "Maxtor DiamondMax 10 300GB 3.5" IDE Ultra ATA133 Hard Drive -
> > OEM"
> Great!
> I have a 200G primary and 80G secondary drive. Both IDE.
> Here are my comments.
> Well, I would up your PS to at least 400 Watts. Not that the drive would
> use it, but most newer CPUs need at least 400.
no, p4 need a lot of current, and big gpu's. But for most people a GOOD 360W
PSU will work fine.

The watt printed on the package does not say anything about the quality of the
PSU or its maximum 'combined' output. So if you tell him to buy a 400W PSU is
like telling someone to buy a '2000ccm (2 Liter) car'. There are lots of cars
with 2liter engines. And a lot of them are crap ;)
-- mailing list


300GB Hardrive from $115
32" HD LCD TV/PC Monitor: $1, 199.99
2GB of RAM: $160
GNU/Linux Operating System: Priceless