<div dir="ltr">Hi everyone,<br><br>I would like to connect serial port from remote machine to my laptop and use it for PIC programmer. (both machines are running gentoo)<br>It&#39;s easy to tunnel data using nc or similar tool, but it won&#39;t give me ioctl access to the port itself. (Or did I miss something?)<br>
Is there any tool/project that exports the whole device and make virtual one on the local side? <br>I searched google for quite a while but without any success. There are many standalone devices for rs232-&gt;ethernet-&gt;rs232, but I don&#39;t want a standalone device...<br>
<br>I realize it will be slow, but I dont care for lower speeds. <br><br>Thanks for any hints and advices<br><br>Regards<br>Zdenek Travnicek<br><br></div>