From mboxrd@z Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970 Return-Path: Received: from ( []) (using TLSv1.3 with cipher TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 (256/256 bits) key-exchange X25519 server-signature RSA-PSS (2048 bits)) (No client certificate requested) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id A921A158020 for ; Thu, 8 Dec 2022 12:38:02 +0000 (UTC) Received: from (localhost []) by (Postfix) with SMTP id C4234E07C7; Thu, 8 Dec 2022 12:37:55 +0000 (UTC) Received: from ( [IPv6:2607:f8b0:4864:20::832]) (using TLSv1.3 with cipher TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 (256/256 bits) key-exchange X25519 server-signature RSA-PSS (4096 bits) server-digest SHA256) (No client certificate requested) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id 7E292E079E for ; Thu, 8 Dec 2022 12:37:55 +0000 (UTC) Received: by with SMTP id fu10so902032qtb.0 for ; Thu, 08 Dec 2022 04:37:55 -0800 (PST) DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20210112; h=content-transfer-encoding:mime-version:user-agent:date:message-id :autocrypt:openpgp:subject:from:to:from:to:cc:subject:date :message-id:reply-to; bh=RyiVsbUgY6G245kXGZl8JGCe7WlFcVj4j7FeaxGDv0k=; b=bPHG07/72cpZk2Dq4HY0W+RezUbEFqCAGyAdF7WLS7XAF60eofMf7xn3VbJYoKDX4U tzVjYXHvmFi25Nuy8BzXbu7lU/HAib0wG8BSOvvSSEQ8/SR163NLzK2xdNmj5TGrrMog JAMsOKyIYsOgIKkd1Fc8OYe66K8foHIzvh7x7zNqiZtx6qVezoevHMgUPBCDOhIJyKIK LM++lFjeuyABHlQ4wIkmT3dTLrJzpc1/VJ5r1HtIZi0JkctLi+CIpGFwXbfneBghfuG3 8N9v0CoEoUlbDaT/wy5GhyXeiGXz0fyfZFLc5be6i63kF/WKZjfiEiHG9LFQ7tXZ7B70 1FYw== X-Google-DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20210112; h=content-transfer-encoding:mime-version:user-agent:date:message-id :autocrypt:openpgp:subject:from:to:x-gm-message-state:from:to:cc :subject:date:message-id:reply-to; bh=RyiVsbUgY6G245kXGZl8JGCe7WlFcVj4j7FeaxGDv0k=; b=RPyOTkS4dt8lQOuNxZpWwplJfFsyjBo3JiolIGDQDZP29DE5AT7QHRYjpAzAtkqA1V kL3Wnm1SqVEPBdsvGd0+4qEDaGa9Hv/T6MAPeB3c+jUlMQttKjbpR1/EIX1vgDzBY6gK Hth/5lIWuRxoNn/ouv/SaKOWZ/ZsAyUKb47I9Gy1HQV2qkHzMWOU8RFQ5Xnhb7CzrvAc xzCXmmLd5cwCb3+fiOwOuBJRv6wFavD2RQGviL5zweAAxT0u5jA/3V6/9LhW4l3Duoe8 nJKQ5LyJv7ZmThgU//6hAEoMAWSAgFglrBdU5dnFe2do6Ur1v/cFq3nvj6zqqxnbuG9Q mHhw== X-Gm-Message-State: ANoB5pmEBCR+zrOVJ/WrxCS/3t/FnoXgBDI2uLBzAskVljYM+fuikqGG v2kA4dMt/7Bz74RVXzSGfPIMCzGqgOY= X-Google-Smtp-Source: AA0mqf4JU27vaLVCgV3ufoh7jeo1t9wx51zlCjy6x5LQKZpLpiTjCB2oPfdaxEuG/e3WirhlnQK25Q== X-Received: by 2002:a05:622a:1c1a:b0:3a6:848c:b863 with SMTP id bq26-20020a05622a1c1a00b003a6848cb863mr2727181qtb.58.1670503074480; Thu, 08 Dec 2022 04:37:54 -0800 (PST) Received: from [] ([]) by with ESMTPSA id w3-20020ac87183000000b0039cd4d87aacsm14782060qto.15.2022. (version=TLS1_3 cipher=TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 bits=128/128); Thu, 08 Dec 2022 04:37:54 -0800 (PST) To: From: Dale Subject: [gentoo-user] NAS and replacing with larger drives Openpgp: preference=signencrypt Autocrypt:; prefer-encrypt=mutual; keydata= mQINBGFSciYBEADcEGMyJBSuavKO/XKUVvgkxck7Nl8Iuu8N2lcnRji/rSKg5c1Acix1ll9i oW8JBCHwvn0+Xy60BvEsqcup3YSHw5STl/bR1ePEehtnYrg8FdjdS91+B805RfnKMm69rFVI wLSBHQrSG1yxHd8CloWoEdhmVtP24buajbh114bgXd9ahtpZrCVMrWdWYUg2mEXguGV5uNAh Rf8SWxDNc79w24JxsV34a8niMUYMjzWr0rafIbzk732X38vGjVMLo/2mMpkbp9mPp++LHoY+ 0Pet8zxxdXPJSCd475kza1AD+hhSyBZXB9yknYWgyY3cZe1rGmooJSi2KX4QxO7npwLThcO1 be6KKRkd35+Fi/a1BzVOHsZMiK/gcwxEFoMd27gir4ehaeHJfFXl+65w4hj0EsOZSxrJrm2C R50g5By2czSKP1bADEygFNpIJj51AR+wM88NImG2RPtlT2maYBzazvF05g65cdHXGp1C7W5P wwwKU2DgABB2t7N7z5A69LnryBRw4zUYDRRYLTYlBlYgg+xILm2c0OrBdxJgLJa7JE50Eo25 d3PFwt9J0gYvqy6sPFLl9So0sDg9zm0hKQtXOP5kgropUFGrNoJI+mjwF4rYLRBVzZwNAvlO OhEvHubBo3mEllv4x+FeptwXZxlk7gUsdqI8AxnFB8K9wi6FVQARAQABtBtEYWxlIDxyZGFs ZWsxOTY3QGdtYWlsLmNvbT6JAk4EEwEIADgCGyMFCwkIBwIGFQoJCAsCBBYCAwECHgECF4AW IQQSG1h01ruv/WNXc3Q3RqOgiQH1GwUCYVJy8gAKCRA3RqOgiQH1G+waEACeTZCt77jnRAmQ AV7otKuZekDWiLi3Eig8tj5ZJiCNSYA/hIxzmexRP0GMqjitcXK1iGwWcvMzzvIq30GAjIfB 4BR38cnXbtBa6fNewiT7QaZe/Hn6yBRldXNQypzbHy+/o27bUEy+oX4rE7etUgEHQAjuw7xz XFWg4tH1/KJvsOVY5upnWc5LdxYhsuQ3dQD4b22GsK0pOBDfb9PiirYM8eGKvrVuq4E/c75z lDDFhINl18lNZ9D0ZFL3IkTjHsAAqFH9uhnnEB8CWdHbBewPEfRaOhBUYWZ3Q8uTkmDgZT8q D9jlvLEdw7Nh2ApdxoepnI/4D+ql2Gr4DtH7SEPydr5gcf1Qr/2bXRb1hAYnIVcbncs/Bm3Z bkRKPVWMfE3Fusa+p5hMzixk0YysMaTHlc7mYRYAEZGnPMXnmcCbetwARU7A0yz1M1kCMOAQ Lsz8KH5kv3cRenMB6SFfjND2JfAK61H5TtnPq3L8noS2ZykRYxq9Nm3X64O1tJojIKBoZFr8 AwYNCvqC6puUyGMuzHPh7jPof8glfrrEKIYUvNPGMDoVX3IGetxh/9l6NcxgFA4JGoR+LS3C zmeNrwlllAe3OEUfKoWVQ+pagpSdM+8hHolaSda4Ys66Z3fCR4ZvcTqfhTAVskpqdXa4isAk 7vTcXu3L499ttywEp7rJTbkCDQRhUnImARAAncUdVhmtRr59zqpTUppKroQYlzR0jv8oa7DG K4gakTAT2N7evnI9wpssmzyVk8VEiLzhnFQ/Ol3FRt6hZCXDJt0clyHOyTfvz/MNFttWuZTc mLpSvmRR6VRjAH+Tz3Eam2xUw3PGuH97BcXQ3NnX3msv1UDxtxxBu6e2YrdeOhrCUSgzokcJ 98ChUNy934cgepPybAI12lSWqVFQ1aG7jExZfiUk+333fPSDbpKoZbTW5YJLXbycmW/C1IWL qYQyNjRWKaGoJtUWFhhmNiOQct7n90aKivNVPavmN+UQ9LlMaINtf9T6XCzLfogCFsulDCDJ 0yNQLDTurHaB4E71xoctgXmLLq9z1RQ0W2XiVAAOZQj6K3+d0AOUjDhCQ2QW8dUSq0ckkZXV DKVJOGS8Nhf2eIWIqRnP3AcUiiaiFGqUaVUmUAZ6h/oJmgghEu/1S+pcuUKU5i69+XCZ3hH2 Jzwzbf7K+FAIkOhCfHncF8i1N1pk00pOVykNnqHTfFo3qFusHt0ZWgXVnnn4pYdXqZNoDhvF BRE5Vm4k/k96Pw8HRx6Os6eFSRrlqGzRgqsu86FekxusXB9UGv4lJhtU/J+8MRWsh22K718s DbQnABicGKFz1qQlWvcf59oTByhLINJCBt1WXl+TzJDXepr3QSkqmK41dO9Hob97C9dMiK8A EQEAAYkCNgQYAQgAIAIbDBYhBBIbWHTWu6/9Y1dzdDdGo6CJAfUbBQJhUnLyAAoJEDdGo6CJ AfUbVHIQAKSWw620vPhR3A/njU2z77F3z/Jk+HTKdE3fIyWSWdkYN7CBFL0NguOMP30WZ+qE sJhZu7T5hf251MwQUUt27xlfnKYOmQs7CqONlXuXlGZI6WufrUjxNcVz+5gJsqvUWuuJWsgg sDmE92IBnfG/f81fPHWQyfr/SF4wYDMyoFp5xCCQpp1zB63iuFvvrhxBkEHzmbRtVDOhl0Xp BVEDR1w3QRACw9QJD/KM05Czv9JNQYlwinWO/OaQ9cMlUpKLgswUPg9IZ5vucxScfuAUA5uC B1jlAQ8ZPlVukBmbEv5RGOv+lpuEbA3YDMVtEeH4YMFbjt/+vH3Cr2vTbp5JlpByLburJEH0 WXZLUawEfUsZvVwpOuJK75vaa2HYXee+Cb3iCIzwfIfctdlqzUcbGRczlRNM59hpvj4z29Gh 3kAxVHItAYq54ikxQ9l4hQ8s9sLYPbX/WtcBxNX8crBSw0FLnmzGleVEtBHyqtt5CLzQNgrj GYWl1vKDUmRPw1CdZ1c+fMN9CY11jOM5B5ZnqZWfDeVYO2iJ5SuvTycChexCb8WYn1bdCBIo bBtga2RBXbVt4Mh9E4owsszefn51MwfjXxB20Fc5k3GU1AVpTCMs3ayYCzo0b2pvEvdjtDcA CYLEFPWgaFX9iQAM/CDfKvTtvgGWpqtCL2raq/mQoJEU Message-ID: <> Date: Thu, 8 Dec 2022 06:37:52 -0600 User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:68.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/68.0 SeaMonkey/2.53.14 Precedence: bulk List-Post: List-Help: List-Unsubscribe: List-Subscribe: List-Id: Gentoo Linux mail X-BeenThere: Reply-to: X-Auto-Response-Suppress: DR, RN, NRN, OOF, AutoReply MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Archives-Salt: 76246162-fa00-4c22-803f-ca02916277d8 X-Archives-Hash: 633e6c8019aa29e471baa589105d44e8 Howdy, I've pretty much reached a limit on my backups.  I'm up to a 16TB hard drive for one and even that won't last long.  Larger drives are much more costly.  A must have NAS is quickly approaching.  I've been searching around and find some things confusing.  I'm hoping someone can clear up that confusion.  I'm also debating what path to travel down.  I'd also like to keep costs down as well.  That said, I don't mind paying a little more for one that would offer a much better option.  Path one, buy a NAS, possibly used, that has no drives.  If possible, I may even replace the OS that comes on it or upgrade if I can.  I'm not looking for fancy, or even RAID.  Just looking for a two bay NAS that will work.  First, what is a DAS?  Is that totally different than a NAS?  From what I've found, a DAS is not what I'm looking for since I want a ethernet connection and the ability to control things over the network.  It seems DAS lacks that feature but not real sure.  I'm not sure I can upgrade the software/OS on a DAS either.  Next thing.  Let's say a NAS comes with two 4TB drives for a total of 8TB of capacity from the factory, using LVM or similar software I assume.  Is that limited to that capacity or can I for example replace one or both drives with for example 14TB drives for a total of 28TBs of capacity?  If one does that, let's say it uses LVM, can I somehow move data as well or is that beyond the abilities of a NAS?  Could it be done inside my computer for example?  Does this vary by brand or even model?  Path two, I've researched building a NAS using a Raspberry Pi 4 8GB as another option.  They come as parts, cases too, but the newer and faster models of Raspberry Pi 4 with more ram seem to work pretty well.  The old slower models with small amounts of ram don't fair as well.  While I want a descent speed, I'm not looking for or expecting it to be blazingly fast.  I just wonder, if from a upgrade and expansion point of view, if building a NAS would be better.  I've also noticed, it seems all Raspberry things come with a display port.  That means I could hook up a monitor and mouse/keyboard when needed.  That could be a bonus.  Heck, I may can even put some sort of Gentoo on that thing.  :-D One reason I'm wanting to go this route, I'm trying to keep it small and able to fit inside my fire safe.  I plan to buy a media type safe that is larger but right now, it needs to fit inside my current safe.  Most of the 2 bay NAS or a Raspberry Pi based NAS are fairly small.  They not much bigger than the three external hard drives and a couple bare drives that currently occupy my safe.  One thing I'd like to have no matter what path I go down, the ability to encrypt the data.  My current backup drives are encrypted and I'd like to keep it that way.  If that is possible to do.  I suspect the Raspberry option would since I'd control the OS/software placed on it.  I could be wrong tho.  One last thing.  Are there any NAS type boxes that I should absolutely avoid if I go that route?  Maybe it is a model that has serious limitations or has other problems.  I think the DAS thing may be one for me to avoid but I'm not for sure what limits it has.  Google didn't help a lot. It also could be as simple as, avoid any model that says this in the description or uses some type of software that is bad or limits options.  Thoughts?  Info to share?  Ideas on a best path forward?  Buy already built or build? Thanks. Dale :-)  :-)