thank you, I didn't know about that. I thought comments were always stripped off the contents of the config files, no matter where they were.

On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 5:12 PM, Neil Walker <> wrote:
Crístian Viana wrote:
> www-client/mozilla-firefox # hello world

For it to be a valid comment, the '#' MUST be the first character on the
line. That's always been the convention. A FEW programs will recognise
the '#' elsewhere in the line as the start of the comment but you should
NEVER EVER rely upon that.

> I don't think this behavior is consistent, comments shouldn't matter.
> is that a desirable feature or a bug?

It's totally consistent and highly desirable.

Be lucky,


Crístian Deives dos Santos Viana [aka CD1]