
I have a Gentoo amd64 and I noticed portage doesn't ignore comments totally on the file /etc/portage/package.keywords (don't know about the other portage config files). if I have the following line on portage.keywords:


portage unmasks the Firefox ebuild for my architecture. but if I have:

www-client/mozilla-firefox # hello world

portage doesn't unmask this ebuild. if I want to put a comment at the end of a line in this file [and I want that line to work], I have to explicitly add the architecture flag:

www-client/mozilla-firefox ~amd64 # hello world

I don't think this behavior is consistent, comments shouldn't matter. is that a desirable feature or a bug?

see ya,

Crístian Deives dos Santos Viana [aka CD1]
Sent from Campinas, SP, Brazil