On Tue, Oct 17, 2023 at 11:07 AM Dale <
> Mark Knecht wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 17, 2023 at 9:41 AM Dale <
> <SNIP>
> >
> > Well, the 770T now has Gentoo on it. As usual, my
fresh built kernel
> > booted the very first time without error and every
thing worked.
> > Sometimes, things go right. ROFL I have to say tho,
I wish they would
> > split the install docs into two parts. One for old
BIOS and one for the
> > efi thingy. It was confusing in a couple places but I
got there. Maybe
> > some color coding would help???
> >
> <SNIP>
> Congrats. I hope it goes well.
> There are still times I wish I was running Gentoo - the
> camaraderie and deep technical knowledge of the group, but
I just
> don't have time or patience to iron out issues with
applications when
> Gentoo isn't a supported distro. Still, for something like
a NAS box it
> makes sense if everything you run is sour\ce code coming
from the
> Gentoo code stores.
> Cheers,
> Mark
> Ubuntu had a few points where it waited for a while. A
couple times, it had a two minute wait which makes the boot time
pretty long.
I suspect that's a bit of a red herring. Ubuntu's default
kernel builds support for pretty much everything in the Linux
hardware universe so there's a lot of probing around for
hardware you don't have and then a whole lot of modules once
you're up and running. My desktop machine has 115 modules
showing up in lsmod. If you put a little bit of time into your
kernel development then I suspect the boot time would become
much closer to what you see on Gentoo.
After all, the kernel is the kernel. It doesn't belong to
Gentoo or Ubuntu. We're all running, more or less, the same
kernel source code and I suspect, by the time it gets to
machine code, pretty much the same bits for identical
None the less I'm happy you're up and running.