On Saturday, 14 October 2023 12:26:29 BST Peter Humphrey wrote: > I also tried setting up a gmail IMAP source in KMail, and that worked so I > assume the permissions are right at their end. (I removed the account when > KMail kept resurrecting scores of mails I'd already deleted, even though > access on my mobile showed an absence of mails.) A bit O/T, but since you mention it I have observed the same behavior here with Kmail. Different users, different email accounts (inc. Gmail). At times, emails which have been deleted and even emptied from the Bin/Trash folder reappear. Deleted again, only to reappear. This can carry on for a while until the user gets so annoyed as to close Kmail. I am not sure what causes this, but I suspect Kmail/akonadi does not like multiple user inputs in close succession, while it is still synchronising previous local changes to the remote IMAP folder(s). For example, I have observed if a number of messages are selected and deleted, then without waiting for Kmail progress bar to finish you move to a different folder and delete a message, you are most likely to trigger this problem. The more impatient a user is and the more accounts they have configured, the more often deleted messages tend to reappear in their Kmail. A variation of the same problem is when new messages are shown in the Folder List, but none appears when you select the folder to look at its contents. Pressing F5 or Update This Folder/Subfolders does not help. The workarounds I have devised are: 1. Close Kmail, restart it and keep an eye on the progress bar to confirm it has finished synchronizing all folders with remote IMAP servers, before I click on anything else. 2. If the above does not succeed I close Kmail and run 'akonadictl stop', before I restart it. 3. If the problem is not resolved, I repeat step 2 above and proceed to run: akonadictl start akonadictl fsck (wait for it to finish) akonadi vacuum (wait for it to finish) then relaunch Kmail. 4. A last resort is to launch akonadiconsole, go to the Browser tab and delete any messages there. I anyone knows of a better solution, other than trying alternative mail clients, please post back.