Reiserfs does the same thing, 5% saved for root.
> freed up, and was astonished to find that i had not gained
> more free
> space, but lost some! i was intreged to i took a look arround,
> and found
> that the space i was using on the reiserfs partition was the
> wrong size,
> detales are as follows:
I've never used reiserfs and this may be obvious, but I'll throw it out
in case its not - this doesn't have anything to do with the "reserved
space for the root user," does it? When I go to create the filesystem
for ext3, I have to manually specify not to reserve 5% of the disk space
per filesystem for the "root user" - this is, I take it, to keep the
system bootable and the file system accessible in the event that, say, a
runaway log issue should fill it up.
May have nothing to do with your problem but I figure I'd mention it
just in case.
Quag7 < >
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