Graham, This happend to me on the .8.10 to .8.11 i just masked <=gst-*-0.8.10 Cynyr. On 2/23/06, Graham Murray wrote: > > [rant mode] Many of the gstreamer plugins, but not all of them, have > been updated (in ~x86) to 0.8.12. That some of them are still at > 0.8.11 is causing an upgrade/download emerge loop. As all of these > plugins are built from the same source but with different configure > options, would it not be possible to commit all of them to the tree at > the same time? Only committing some of them causes the ones remaining > at the old version to make portage downgrade the 'main' gst-plugins > ebuild and then upgrade it again next time emerge is run. > -- > mailing list > >