see this page found with google about twin view,

anyways the quick answer is add 'Option " TwinViewOrientation" "RightOf"' to your driver section. and as a note AFAIK twinview dosn't give seperate screens, so things like : 0.1 may not work.

On 2/15/06, Roy Wright <> wrote:
krgn wrote:

>I have tried to configure TwinView for my laptop and whatever comes
>(projector, crt etc..) and everything seems good except, and that is a
>bit annoying, that the desktop (xfce-panel..) is on the wrong screen,
>i.e. not on my Laptop display but on the second one. That is a bit shit,
>since I always have to look over what is on the other screen and drag it
>back etc..
>Does anyone see what's wrong in my xorg.conf? I have attached it this
>Thanks and greets to all,
Might not help much, but in KDE, Control Center, Desktop, Panels,
you can set the Xinerama screen between 1,2, all, which controls which
the KDE panel is displayed on.  Maybe xfce has something similar?

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