This is my personal working directory, under git control to carry it around between computers on a flash drive. Now stripped of git. I am reluctant to send it along, but I could send a tarball to someone who is willing to check on it. It's 300M.
I moved ./mozilla out of the way. The problem persists.
I found one ampersand in a file name, and changed it. No happiness.
Don't know how to find a filename with a space at the end. Is there a tool to find hosed filenames?
Alan Davis
You can know the name of a bird in all the languages of the world, but when you're finished, you'll know absolutely nothing whatever about the bird... So let's look at the bird and see what it's doing---that's what counts.
----Richard Feynman
On 3 Sep 2009, at 10:48, Alan E. Davis wrote:
It has just happened in the last day that whenever I try to navigate to a certain subdirectory of my home directory, in order to attach a file to an email in gmail, firefox hangs. I have tried a few experiments, with no success. This is also no ordinary directory---it has been under git control for several months....
I have copied the contents of the directory, without the .git control baggage, and the same happens.
Thinking the same thing was going no here, I have looked at the directory, but superficially I have seen nothing. Except a file ".directory" left there by dolphin. I have recently installed kde 4.3.0, and started liking it a bit, and playing around with it.
I don't know what else to look for, or what method to use, to look for bizaare bits in a tree.
I suppose I will copy all the files over, one at a time. Suggestions would be appreciated.
Are there any files in that directory with unusual names?
Names with ümlauts or åccents in them? Names with &mpersands or sl\ash/es in them? Spaces on the end?
You say the directory is under SVN - if it's a public project & you have no reason to be coy about accessing it, perhaps you can post a link to it, so that other people here can try & reproduce.