On Fri, Jun 28, 2024 at 2:41 PM Dale <
> Doing that was actually not much trouble. I booted,
changed something just in case it rebooted and went back for
some reason but would change something on the screen. Usually,
I change the page on the KDE welcome screen to like page 4 or
something. If it were to restart the GUI or anything, it would
go back to page 1. Anyway, once booted, I'd go do something
else for a while. Then when I came back, shutdown, change port
and repeat.
> To Micheal's point tho, I suspect the boot media I'm using
is slow enough, loading from a USB stick instead of a m.2 drive,
that it also is able to get the info needed, most likely from
the monitor, and work like it should. This could literally be a
system that is just going to fast. By the time the monitor gets
the request, the computer has already moved on except for those
rare occasions where it works.
> I have a 2.5" SSD drive. I actually mounted it in the
system already just not hooked up to power or data cables. I
could install Kubuntu on that easily. If I get the steam up, I
just may do that. Between working on this new build, my
sis-n-law being sick, I just had to much going on for to long.
Just a bit ago I walked up a very steep hill to take watermelons
in the house for her. I can walk up faster than I can drive
up. No other powered vehicle I can use. Car and feet is all I
got. Still, that walk up the hill and carrying watermelons up
the steps took my energy level down a few more notches. Thank
goodness for my meds. At least my back isn't so angry at me.
> I just hope this new monitor works out of the box, and
doesn't get damaged in shipping. ;-)
> Dale
> :-) :-)
> P. S. I'm pretty sure the recent upgrade put my main rig
on KDE6. I had some clashes with lxqt or something to the point
I uninstalled it, did the KDE update and then added lxqt? back.
I still had to work out some issues. So far, it is working OK.
No problems or anything except for losing my weather thingy on
the bottom panel. I'm sure that will be updated soon. May do
the same on the new rig if I get time. Not that I can test it
or anything tho. LOL
My point about putting KDE on a drive and really running it
is that you can install all the non-standard drivers, which
NVidia is part of, which I'm not sure is totally supported
when running in the Try It mode from boot media. Once
installed and booted from the SSD then really use the system
and figure out what's going on with these ports. There is
still a small possibility in my mind that this is something
about Quadro cards which were designed for a different market
and that possibly haven't been as well tested in the consumer
or Gentoo arena.
You have a lot going on so ask questions if you need me.
I'm always lurking around somewhere.