Hi Raffaele, Am Freitag, 18. August 2017, 09:00:52 CEST schrieb Raffaele Belardi: > […] > Downgrading the system to glibc to 2.23-r3 means trouble? yes, you would crush your system. Therefore the even the ebuild prohibits it (you can enforce it, but you really shouldn’t). You can a) brick you system: https://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-t-845000.html or b) create a chroot with a blank system (new stage 3), emerge your package, create a binpkg, install that on the host and hope it works. Good luck! :-) -- GPG fingerprint: '00EF D31F 1B60 D5DB ADB8 31C1 C0EC E696 0E54 475B' Nils Freydank