Hi, thanks!
It seems a bit strange that checkroot gave no output, just failure -
as if it's execution didn't even started, and, since it's one of the
first initscripts to start, prehaps there's a problem with bash
interpreter or access to init.d path.
Since you've mounted filesystem and it looks okay, you can try changing
last two columns in /etc/fstab for root filesystem to "0 0", so script
won't try to check it - that way you can see if it's something with
fsck - prehaps the system will just boot.
I have tried it, but nothing change.
Then, if the rest of the initscripts won't throw some similar errors
(possibly exposing the real problem), you can probably insert a lot of
echoes/einfos to that initscript to see at which point everything hangs
and check what's wrong with the command causing it.
I have inserted some echos, now the "checkroot" script is:
# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
depend() {
before *
start() {
local retval=0
echo 1
if [[ ! -f /fastboot && -z ${CDBOOT} ]] \
&& ! is_net_fs / && ! is_union_fs / ; then
echo 2
if touch -c / >& /dev/null ; then
ebegin "Remounting root filesystem read-only"
mount -n -o remount,ro /
eend $?
if [[ -f /forcefsck ]] || get_bootparam "forcefsck" ; then
ebegin "Checking root filesystem (full fsck forced)"
fsck -C -a -f /
# /forcefsck isn't deleted because checkfs needs it.
# it'll be deleted in that script.
# Obey the fs_passno setting for / (see fstab(5))
# - find the / entry
# - make sure we have 6 fields
# - see if fs_passno is something other than 0
if [[ -n $(awk '($1 ~ /^(\/|UUID|LABEL)/ && $2 == "/" \
&& NF == 6 && $6 != 0) { print }' /etc/fstab) ]]
ebegin "Checking root filesystem"
fsck -C -T -a /
ebegin "Skipping root filesystem check (fstab's passno == 0)"
if [[ ${retval} -eq 0 ]] ; then
eend 0
elif [[ ${retval} -eq 1 ]] ; then
ewend 1 "Filesystem repaired"
elif [[ ${retval} -eq 2 || ${retval} -eq 3 ]] ; then
ewend 1 "Filesystem repaired, but reboot needed!"
if [[ ${RC_FORCE_AUTO} != "yes" ]] ; then
echo -ne "\a"; sleep 1; echo -ne "\a"; sleep 1
echo -ne "\a"; sleep 1; echo -ne "\a"; sleep 1
ewarn "Rebooting in 10 seconds ..."
sleep 10
einfo "Rebooting"
/sbin/reboot -f
if [[ ${RC_FORCE_AUTO} == "yes" ]] ; then
eend 2 "Rerunning fsck in force mode"
fsck -y -C -T /
eend 2 "Filesystem couldn't be fixed :("
sulogin ${CONSOLE}
einfo "Unmounting filesystems"
/bin/mount -a -o remount,ro &> /dev/null
einfo "Rebooting"
/sbin/reboot -f
echo 3
# Should we mount root rw ? the touch check is to see if the / is
# already mounted rw in which case there's nothing for us to do