Hi, I have a sound problem with my dell1400 laptop: I have no sound from the speakers in the laptop but I can have sound from headphones after I insert them. When I used $alsamixer -V all, I got these informations: Card: HDA Intel │ Chip: SigmaTel STAC9228 │ View: Playback Capture [All] │ Item: Master [dB gain=-33.75, -33.75] Item: PCM [dB gain=-10.00, -10.00] Item: Front [dB gain=-45.00, -47.25] Item: Mic as Output Item: IEC958 Item: ADCMux Item: InMux [dB gain=30.00, 30.00] Item: InVol [dB gain=16.50, 16.50] As you can see, Mic and IEC958's values are both 0. I always think that headphones are equal with speakers, because them are both connected to the same thing in physics. But now, why my headphones are aloud but my speakers are silent. In Windows xp, both of them work very well. Headphones were after I insert them and otherwise, the speakers loud . How to fix this problem? Thanks in advanced! -- wcw z(&j)b b