Thank you ! I have settle the problem days ago.The package i downloaded is Ok but the one after i copied in my usbdisk and got it in gentoo is corrupt.My usbdisk is broken! Now everything is Ok.
Thanks for your reply! 

2006/4/16, <>:
On Saturday 15 April 2006 11:30 pm, wu chuanwen wrote:
> The package dose not mention it's Multi-language package or not.The
> name of package is "Linux self-extracting file".And i notice that the
> package for Windows mentions that it's Multi-language package.
> Does it matter if it'a Multi-language or not?

Yes.  In a situation like this, Java can be amazingly picky over not just
which JDK but such nonsense as lanugage packs, &c.  I left Java about a year
ago to this day because it was totally barf-disgusting gross (like my Mormon
swearing ; )  Then I qualify for AP Computer Science (yay!) and have to use
Java again : \

Get the precise name of the JDK that you need, then do this little trick in

site: [the EXACT file you need]  That should find what you
want out of Sun's bloated archives of Java-garbage.

And, just b/c I'm having fun making fun of Java, I have to quote a very good
friend of mine on the subject:

"Java should stick to the miserable server apps it was designed for." --Seth
