Oh,God!Now i know the problem.My usbdisk is broken.So the file every time i read from it is corrucpted althougth the file i download is OK.

I'm so sorry that i have such a silly problem....

2006/4/16, Heiko Wundram <me+gentoo-user@modelnine.org>:
Am Sonntag 16 April 2006 08:51 schrieb wu chuanwen:
> I have download two of
> the same package.And the result is all the same as above. I don't think the
> packages are  corrupted.

Yes, they are? Because it's no Gentoo program that tries to unpack the files,
but the self-extractable itself (and no wonder Gentoo gets a digest error on
the file). Or, your machine is broken somehow, and corrupts the file while
it's being written/read from disk. But I'd much rather guess the source you
download the self-extractable from is corrupt. Use another source, luke. ;-)

--- Heiko.
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list
