Okay i got it to work. It turns out /etc/conf.d/net was not setup to see the router.
I just looked it up on the Gentoo Linux Doc and routes_eth0 was not set up so I added
routes_eth0="default gw"
to the end of the file, restarted eth0 and everything works now.
Thanks for the help.
I do a ping distfiles.gentoo.org
ping: unknown host distfiles.gentoo.org
Than i try and ping its ip and i get
connect: network is unreachable
Pinging www.Google.com:
connect: network is unreachable
contents of resolv.conf
domain localdomain
But as i said before I am able to browser the web in Firefox.--On 1/12/07, PaulNM < gentoo@paulscrap.com> wrote:Ryan Crisman wrote:
> Everytime I attempt to install a new program using portage i get this
> error:
> Resolving distfiles.gentoo.org... failed: Temporary failure in name
> resolution.
> I do have internet access and I am writing this email from the same
> machine. It doesn't matter what package or when i get this error all the
> time. Even on the other mirrors for the package.
Well, for some reason dns lookup for those sites fail. What happens
when you put distfiles.gentoo.org in a web browser? You could also try
pinging the repositories first, and if they get though, try emerge
again. If emerge still fails, I'd try adding them to the host file with
whatever ip you get from pinging as a workaround.
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list
Ryan Crisman