It's been a couple years since I was in such a scenario, but I'd say that r w speed was adequate for what I was trying to do ( access documents, music, etc that resided on my Windows partition ).  In looking at the NTFS-3G driver, it seems like it might be cool to try out, though I can't comment on how "safe" or "fast" it is being that I've not used it. It's been about 2 years since I've cut completely away from Windows ( at home ), and since that time I've gradually begun to use ReiserFS, and for stuff that I want to share to Windows computers ( ex. my wife's computer ( running Windows ) ), I share that content via Samba.


On 11/18/06, Daniel Vrcic <> wrote:
* Shawn Singh <> [06-11-17 09:10]:
> In ( what seems like ) similar situatoins, I've just let the partition
> that I want to "share" b/w OSes just be a NTFS partition if say, I
> were dual-booting my machine ( Linux & Windows ). IMHO, Linux support
> for NTFS is fine, meaning that I've not experienced any trouble
> related to doing that.

You have also experienced satisfactory writing speed? You're using

Daniel Vrcic
-- mailing list

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