Running emerge --search portage tells me that the latest version of portage is 2.0.54 and the version I've got installed is 2.0.54. Is there something else that needs to be updated?
Shawn Singh wrote:
> Hey all,
> I've been trying to install Apache and PHP. With the installation of
> apache, the install has been failing when the system tries to download
> net-www/apache- 2.0.55-r1. After trying in vain to connect to several
> servers the system finally does succeed when connecting to:
> <> ...
> <>
> The download begins, but very little of the software is downloaded
> before I get the message:
> !!! Couldn't download httpd-2.0.55.tar.bz2. Aborting.
> For PHP, the system connects to <>,
> downloads the package, then reports:
> !!! Couldn't download php-4.4.0.tar.bz2 . Aborting.
> I tried to install these pieces of software yesterday and today with the
> same result. I've installed several other packages including ctypes,
> wxPython, emacs, and a few others, so I don't think there's anything
> wrong with portage. Has anyone else run into this problem?
Those versions no longer exist in portage. You need to update and then
install in which case you'll get 2.0.58 and 4.4.3 respectively.
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