Hey all,
I've been trying to install Apache and PHP. With the installation of apache, the install has been failing when the system tries to download net-www/apache-2.0.55-r1. After trying in vain to connect to several servers the system finally does succeed when connecting to:
get-software.techbuyer.com ...
The download begins, but very little of the software is downloaded before I get the message:
!!! Couldn't download httpd-2.0.55.tar.bz2. Aborting.
For PHP, the system connects to us2.php.net:80, downloads the package, then reports:
!!! Couldn't download php-4.4.0.tar.bz2
. Aborting.
I tried to install these pieces of software yesterday and today with the same result. I've installed several other packages including ctypes, wxPython, emacs, and a few others, so I don't think there's anything wrong with portage. Has anyone else run into this problem?
"...to raise a signal means to turn the light on; ... Responding to a
signal means turning the light off (and, under System V, hoping the
bulb won't blow when it's next turned on)..."
--- Dan Bernstein