I've experienced a few outages (mainly due to inclement weather), but
not seen my Gentoo system slow down at all; however, I have seen my
Fedora Core 4 and Mandrake 9.2 boxes slow down when their connection to
the Internet is lost, but that is normally due to some service / app
that relies on Internet connectivity.
I'd check to see what services and applications are running and determine which of them may be causing the problem.
On Mon, 28 Nov 2005 22:43:01 +0000
Ognjen Bezanov wrote:
> I have a gentoo system (Actually I have four of them) and they dont
> experience a slowdown when my internet connection goes down (which it
> invariably does because my ISP reboots its servers every 28 days as a
> policy, thereby disconnecting me ). Chances are its a particular program
> thats trying to connect to the net and failing, thereby using cycles in
> new attempts.
> While we are at it, does there exist a program that can monitor my
> internet connection and run a script if the net is down (like a restart
> script)? I dont want to have to come home and ssh in to restart
> everytime my ISP reboots its M$ Servers.
many programs do a dns lookup on connection, to see who is trying to
connect. It should be managed on your lan with /etc/hosts if you have it
sorted properly.
can you ping via name to other machines on your lan?
> --
> gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list
Nick Rout <nick@rout.co.nz>
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