On 8/15/06, Willie Wong <wwong@princeton.edu> wrote:
On Tue, Aug 15, 2006 at 10:08:29AM -0700, Penguin Lover Ow Mun Heng squawked:
> >   Unfortunately, I can't seem to find any offered by brands that I
> >   know (like I mentioend above, Maxtor/Seagate/Buffalo/etc. all have
> Why not? If you want a cheap one, a 2.5in one selling in
> Surpluscomputers costs ~USD7-15 and a 3.5in costs between USD20-50
> Plug in a Drive and you're good to go.
> PS : I bought mine 2 years ago (max limit of 300GB due to PCBA in the
> casing) for USD25

Thanks Ow and Ian, I hadn't thought of the possibility of just buying
an external enclosure. That looks like a good way to go.
I like it because In a year I can get an even bigger hard drive and it wont cost as much.
Glad to be of help.