Hi,<br><br>I have installed xorg-x11-7.0 a few weeks ago, everything fine. I now want to start using a Java application, and this causes problems, the application complains about libXp.so.6 not being found. Checked the same Java application on another box running 
xorg-x11-6.8.2-r6, no problem.<br><br>Tried revdep-rebuild -p, and it wants to rebuild blackdown for the missing library. Fine, but when I try emerge -p blackdown-jdk, I get:<br><br>[blocks B&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ] x11-libs/libXft (is blocking x11-base/xorg-
x11-<br>[ebuild&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; UD] x11-base/xorg-x11- [7.0]<br>[ebuild&nbsp; N&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ] virtual/x11-6.8<br>[ebuild&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; U ] dev-java/blackdown-jdk- [<a href=""></a>]<br><br>Do not quite understand what is going to happen here. What is the virtual? Is this just going to downgrade to 
xorg-x11-<br><br>Same goes for imagemagick and gnome.<br><br>THX for any advice<br><br>Karl<br>