I cannot use my mice at sddm-greeter but I can use my synaptics. When I login my kde, I just retach my mice, and it works again.
I am use sddm 0.13-r1 and kf-5.15, plasma-5.4.1, qt-5.4.2, gcc-4.9.3, glibc-2.21-r1.


在 2015-12-06 08:46:41,"Wallance Lee" <halyx@126.com> 写道:
Hi, everyone.
I have a very starge phenomenon for a long time. I note that when I boot my computer with mouse attached, the mouse couldn't be recognized on sddm login ui. But I can see my mouse powered before sddm started. Strangely mouse can be recognized after I pull it out and insert it in again. I cannot confirm whether it is caused by sddm.

Any help would be very appreciately.
